Friday, May 14, 2010

Ever wanted to play librarian?

Open Library Snapshot Subject search
This is the welcome question users get when visiting the Open Library, "one web page for every book". The subject search is amazing: write one keyword, whatever, and the results are ordered by book's quantity. On the first places are the "subjects" that have the larger amount of books, specifying if it's a place, an organization... or just a subject!! You can browse the "shelves" for your book! And find a list of prolifics authors together with prominent publishers and a publishing history!!
Open Library Snapshot Virtual shelves
Innovation... you can play librarian!! You can catalogue it! It's easy, fast, and funny!! First, search the book you want to add... if it's not already there... go on and catalogue it! You just need to fill in the blanks!!! Answer the questions for each one: title, author (they control it! you type the name and they give you many choices, look for the author of your book there!), publisher, and so on!
Open Library Snapshot Fill in the blanks catalogue
And... voilà! you've just added a book!! You may add more information like the table of content, language, when, where and who published it, who translated the book... it's really funny!!
They even link your book-description to WorldCat, so people may search for the nearest library so that they can borrow it!
Even more, they link the book to Amazon and others bookstores! And if you know the online version of the book, go and link to it!! Amazing!
Open Library book description

Surfing on my memories, I never wanted to be a librarian. I only wanted to read books the whole day, and get paid for that...big mistake, librarians don't have time to read on duty hours!!
TinEye Snapshot
But now, I love being a librarian, finding out new e-resources for the users such as TinEye - a reverse image search engine. This will help me find those "red books" that patrons usually ask for! But be careful! This tool only searches images using images, so if you ar looking for a "blue book" use the cover image of a blue one!! You can use the Coverbrowser tool to give the url of the cover image!!
This is a different way of searching a book!

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